Downloading the Data Template

Loading your data in NovaMail is easy. Even if you have little or no experience with data, our tool makes it quick for you to get your file loaded and ready to mail. It all starts with the template. 

The first time you use NovaMail, you'll want to download our data template. This will show you exactly what to call your data columns as you get your data organized. 

Download and prepare

1. Click Download Template

The template will download to your computer as a CSV (comma separated values) file. From there, you'll want to edit that file to put your names in it. You can use Excel, Google Sheets, or any other editor you are comfortable with. 

If your data is already in another system, like your CRM, you can export the data you need, using the field names provided in our template. This will be the fastest, most accurate way for you to prepare your data for NovaMail. Consult your system documentation for help doing that. 

Below is an example of the template after it has been loaded into Google Sheets. 

You would populate the file like below. Not every field needs to be filled in; many are optional. Obviously, since we are going to be mailing these pieces the fields for Full NameAddress Line 1, City, State, and Zip are required. 

If you'd like to know more about what columns are available, see the related articles section below. You'll find a link to the data field descriptions article for your reference. 

Once you have your data file ready to go, you are ready to upload it. The directions for uploading are linked in the related articles below. 

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