Uploading Your Data File

Upload data to NovaMail

After your data file is populated you're ready to go! Let's upload it to NovaMail so you can start mailing. 

You can either drag and drop your CSV file directly onto the upload window or use the browse feature to locate your CSV file and then upload it. It's literally that easy!

NovaMail will read your file, identify all the columns, and display it on-screen. 

After the data file is read, it is ready for review. 

Your data is the key to connecting with your donors. Time spent making sure your data is correct is well worth it. 


If you find anything you want to correct, go back and make the corrections in your data file (your CSV file). Then, reload your data file into NovaMail by clicking the Replace Data button at the top left of the data grid. 

If your data looks good you can procced to the design screen by clicking Next. 

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