Dynamic Text

Do you have different versions of letters you send out? Perhaps a version for donors and a version for prospective donors or lapsed donors? NovaMail makes it easy to handle the versioning within the letter itself!

What are some reasons you would want to learn to do this?

  • higher degree of personalization lets your donors know you are speaking to them
  • less creative work - you design 1 letter, not 2 or more!
  • faster proofing - you can review all versions of the letter on-screen in NovaMail!

Of course, dynamic text is controlled by your data file. This is data-driven versioning! You can use any data field you want to, in the example below we are using the field called Mail Code.

PRO TIP: you need to have this data present in your data file. The more organized you with your constituent data the easier this will be. We know many nonprofits don't have data expertise - if you have questions we're happy to help.

Dynamic text is as easy as using this simple code structure in any text block in NovaMail. In the example below, if Mail Code contains a D (as in donor) it will write the lines for the donor. If not, it will write the lines for everyone else (prospective donors).

{{#if `Mail Code` == "D"}}

Thank you again for your generosity and compassion. Together, we can make a difference

in the lives of those who need it the most.


Won’t you join us now to help those in desperate need? Together, we can make a difference

in the lives of those who need it the most.


PRO TIP: you can make these as complex as needed to suit your needs! Do you need a hand on something complicated? Support is ready to help you!

As you can see, this is easy! How you use this is limited only by your imagination. Idea: what if you used it for your ask amounts on your response ticket?

PRO TIP: the number of lines of text in each version matter, and should be the same. In the example above, each version has 2 lines of text. This will work great because it doesn't effect the length of the letter no matter what version is being printed. Reviewing this closely is important and why you should review each version before finalizing your order.

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