
The Preview button is a great way to review a single PDF of the current design you are working on. Curious how it will look printed? Download a preview and take a look at the PDF. How it looks is how it will print*.  

Do you need to have someone elsewhere review this PDF or approve it? Send them the URL of the proof! They don't even need a login. Whoever you send the link to the PDF review file will be able to see it immediately. Amazing!

Designing on screen takes practice. Concerned that your design won't work well? Print out a preview page and take a look. This is a really good way to approximate what your donors will receive in their mailbox. 
Do you use scanning equipment to read an OCR line on your response ticket? Use the preview PDF to test your equipment and make sure your code placement is accurate. 

*Every printer is different and NovaMail always prints with quality in mind. Your home or office printer may be different than the commercial equipment we are using. 

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