Proofs and Production


Proofs, or proofing records, are a subset of your data file that helps you review for edge cases to consider in your design and approval process. What does that mean? For instance, you might want to look at the longest name you have in the file to make sure it fits in your address space provided. Rather than have you try to figure these things out, NovaMail does that for you! 

The proof records for review are selected based on these rules, and you will get 10-11 records in the proof set. 

  1. longest Full Name
  2. shortest Full Name
  3. longest Salutation
  4. longest Address Line 1
  5. shortest Address Line 1
  6. longest City, State, Zip
  7. shortest City, State, Zip
  8. a record with a 3-line address block (if any)
  9. 3 random records

On the right panel of your design screen you see the data selector. You can use this selector to scroll through the records, see the reason why it was chosen, and also see your data change in the design in real-time! 

PRO TIP Take a minute to look through your proof records, you might catch an issue in your design you'll want to adjust before placing your order. It's really hard, maybe even impossible, to manually review every single record in your entire data file. Using the proof records is a great way to catch most problems before they print. 


Production records (like the 264 in the image above) refers to every record in your data file. These are the records you have uploaded for production. You can select the Production tab on the data selector to cycle through every record of your file, or jump to a specific one, if you'd like to review a particular case.

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