Text Blocks


You can hover over any of the controls to see a tool-tip for what it does.
  1. Each block has a name which helps you remember where on the page you are editing
  2. The Text tab is your editor, where you write and format your text
  3. The Settings tab is where you control general settings related to alignment, fit, position, rotation, and opacity
  4. Undo-redo
  5. Choose a pre-installed font or load a custom font
  6. Font size
  7. Character spacing
  8. Font color
  9. highlight color
  10. Bold
  11. Italic
  12. Underline
  13. Strikethrough
  14. Prevent line break
  15. Remove formatting
  16. Superscript
  17. Subscript
  18. Insert glyph
  19. Insert expression
  20. Always click Done when you are finished so your changes are made to the piece you are working on.


There are many options available to precisely control the text block formatting. See below for a description of each setting.

Fit strategy is a powerful setting to change how your text flows in the block. If your text is slightly too long to fix in the text block, you could try the Auto setting, which would resize your text to fit. Another option is to continue to revise your text until it fits the way you want. 

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