Project Checklist

NovaMail aims to make your mail project as easy as possible - complete in only 3 steps! We thought of all the hard stuff, but you still need to have a few things ready to go.

Have you completed your Organizational details, including providing your nonprofit authorization number? You need to do that in order to get the lowest postage rate. 

Here are the things you will want to have ready:

  1. Your data file - the names and address you intend to send mail to.
  2. Your return address. Where do you want donations sent?
  3. Your logo.
  4. An image of your signature, if you choose.
  5. Images or graphics for your letter and envelope.
  6. Your website or donation form URL for your letter.
  7. The text you want for your letter or postcard. You can either have it ready, or type the text in the designer as you go. 

In a nutshell - data, images, and text

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