Ask Arrays

NovaMail has 8 data fields for use on ask arrays. Use the data variable `Ask Array 8` to designate a specific “ask strategy” for your campaign. NovaMail gives you ultimate flexibility—allowing you to choose a specific strategy for each donor! If this seems overwhelming to you, don’t worry! There are default values that will take care of it for you. 

You would set up your data file like this sample below:

PRO TIP Spending a little time getting your data correct will make sure your ask arrays are tuned correctly. If you need to get your mail sent in a hurry, you can always choose one of the strategies below to make this automatic. 

Ask Array 8 value: Strategy Example:
<leave blank> This is the default strategy. Use your variables "Ask Array 1," "Ask Array 2," "Ask Array 3." If they are available, otherwise you will get default values of $15.00, $30.00, $45.00.  ⬜$28.05


0 Open ask only (ignore all other variables) ⬜$ ______
1 Low ask defaults  (ignore all other variables) ⬜$15.00


2 Medium ask defaults ⬜$25.00


3 High ask defaults ⬜$100.00


4 Mega ask defaults ⬜$500.00


5 Last Gift strategy - utilizes the "Last Gift Amount" variable to calculate the ask array. In this example to the right, let’s use $125 as the value of "Last Gift Amount" supplied in the data file. ⬜$125.00


6 Horizontal ask array. Use your variables "Ask Array 1", "Ask Array 2", "Ask Array 3", "Ask Array 4", "Ask Array 5" and an Open Ask -- if they are available, otherwise you will get default values of $30.00, $50.00, $100.00, $250.00, $500.00 and $______.  *See the example image below.

Horizontal Ask Array

The horizontal ask array uses as many of the ask array variables 1-5 as you provide. It is a good idea to either populate all of them for a donor or use our defaults, but not mix and match unless you want to. You might end up with results you don't expect.

PRO TIP Know your audience. You need to ask people for money in the range they typically give. If a donor consistently gives $25 gifts, it will probably not work well to suddenly switch them to the Mega default.

PRO TIP It is a good idea to track your donor's giving trend and upgrade them to higher ask amounts over time. An example, if someone has been regularly receiving low ask defaults and donates $50 consistently, you might consider changing them to Medium or High defaults instead.

Note: Data fields `Ask Amount 6`, and `Ask Amount 7` are currently unused and reserved for future use. 

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